Welcome> Quality IT World of IT Development Council of India IT Development Council of India- IT-DCI is a non-profit making organization founded by the association of IT Consultants, Educationists, Professionals, Scientists, Social Workers, and Likeminded People linked directly & indirectly with IT & ITES globally. The Objective is achieved by voluntary involvement of the members at national and international forum and gain substantial by sharing & exchanging worthy experience in the related development at respective levels. Business and trade links are available for the members in software and IT services to enhance the resources in software technology industry. Information Technology Education plays a vital role to equip workforce to deliver the expected performance in all the sectors of the world. Academics experts are of the opinion that the formation of Quality IT World is only essentially possible, through Research & Development. The latest & cost effective technology shall enable and streamline world class education to attain proficiency in the selected Professional Field by the participant. IT-DCI facilitates Research & Development in the field of IT through active participation of institutes, corporate, professionals, industries, entrepreneurs, and students at national and global level. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – Development Council of India -IT-DCI is an intensive platform of members and an organization of great diversity, leads through presenting innovative educational technology books and programs; conducting professional development workshops, forums, and symposia; and researching, evaluating, and disseminating findings regarding IT education on an international level. IT-DCI is a nonprofit membership organization that provides leadership and service to improve teaching, learning, and school leadership by advancing the effective use of technology. “Research & Development is the Life Line of Information Technology”