The excellence awards

The excellence awards are given at Annual conference of the Council members, media icons, social activities many nominate IT Icons. For awards, an Award selection committee (ASC) comprised of a group of expertise drawn from National level and Government Organization. The ASC will have respectively to select the winners from among the nominations received and their own inquire

The ITDCI  IT awards program honors IT professional, IT expertise, Academicians, IT companies and others those are directly or indirectly associated with IT sector from throughout the National level that demonstrates exceptional effects, services, unique performance, innovation approach and excellence. The awards are present are not only well known or well established institutes or companies for their appreciative performance but to those young students and professionals working in this sector with enthuse.

ITDCI confers Awards in various categories of member’s working field. Awards categories include human-rights, Environment, Health, Education, National Integration and peace, media arts upliftment of poverty.

The excellenc awards are given at Annual conference of the  Council members, media icons, social activities many nominate IT  Icons . For awards,

an Award selection committee (ASC) comprised of a group of expertise drawn from National level and Government Organization. The ASC will have respectively to select the winners from among the nominations received and their own inquires.

Call for Nomination for 2015

  • The deadline for nominations for the 2015 ITDCI AWARDS is December 15, 2015.
  • The categories for the 2015 ITDCI IT  Awards are:
  • ITDCI – Pleased National Integration Award,
  • ITDCI -Education Award,
  • ITDCI- Media Award,
  • ITDCI – Art Award,
  • ITDCI – Human right Award,

The universal peace award is awarded to on outstanding individual enhance work or contributions involve them with Non Government Community and who contribute substantially to world peace and Global well-being. All other Awards are presented to  ITDCI members across the nation.

Specification for Nominations

Nominated institutes and individual shall be of outstanding characters and reputation.

  • Members  nominated for Awards in specific areas should have substantial accomplishment in their areas, and demonstrated exceptional efforts, innovative approaches, leadership, unique initiative and    excellence in providing services to humanity.
  • Awards may not be self nominated that is individuals that are affiliated with an institutes are not to nominate their own institutes , and individual may not nominated them self for ITDCI Awards.
  • To recommend on Award, please send the name of the organizational its qualification along with any supporting documentation to the Awards selection committee (ASC). News paper articles, present testimonial recommendation from prominent leaders, and a rapport of activities would be useful for the Award selection committee.